Tucson CSA – February 15, 2012

It was that time of the week again yesterday, and we are absolutely overloaded with produce. I hate to admit this, but we actually had to toss a few items we had leftover from the last two weeks to make room in the fridge for the new produce we got this week 😦 Yet another…

Tucson CSA – February 8, 2012

It’s amazing. We only started participating in the CSA at the beginning of January, and I can’t believe how much the crops have already started to change in the past 4-6 weeks! I have to admit, I DO NOT miss having piles and piles of seemingly never ending greens (although I do have a lot…

Butternut Squash Bisque

Yipee! I have another successful soup recipe under my belt! I’m not a huge soup person – it’s never something I get cravings for. But I’m starting to think that maybe I just really like smooth, blended soups. I loved my Chioggia Beet Borscht, and now I love this Butternut Squash Bisque. I had two…

Tucson CSA – February 1, 2012

We’re back! Yep, and it’s that time of the week again. We missed the CSA last week since we were in chilly Chicago. Compared to Tucson, it was crazy cold in Chicago. However, knowing what we know about winter in Chicago, it was actually a really beautiful and mild week (considering it was January….). We…